Friday, March 19, 2004

hip hop social

Yesterday was the end of term event for UW hip Hop. The timing was not great because it coincided with lots of other events. It's all good though. As long as we had some people who wanted to be there.

We began the night at The Heuther. A bar/restaurant. Entering the bar it seemed immediately not like our scene. Lots of older caucasian people who liked to stare. On exit, I accidentlly went into the kitchen. Whoops.

The plan was to go bowling after, but it was getting late and everyone seemed intent on going to Revolution night club. I've never been to this club and apparently it's the best one here in waterloo.

Yep it's nice in there. Way bigger than I thought. For some reason, I thought Revolution was gonna be the size of a room. I've never been to a club that repeats songs multiple times. I heard Uh-oh 3 times. They scrambled their one reggae set a couple times. I heard got some teeth twice and some missy songs a few times.

They must think if they play the beginning of the song now, and the end of it 10 minutes later, everyone is too drunk to notice.

So I got tired of dancing to repeats. I still had a good time though. My hip hop buddies did too...After, we went to Bubble Tease for a late night drink. Dan and jonquil was supposed to join us four (kyle,tola,nancy) so we ordered drinks for them. They never came. So we drank them. They were nasty. I think the bartender totally half-assed it.


//----- Thief
I can't help stealing milk from my roommates. I really don't like 2%, but I need my milk. I prefer skim milk and I always run out. I wonder if he reads this page???/

//------ Hat
I bought a new hat. I wanted to buy something for Dy at the mall. Cat was nice enough to take me there. I was looking around and didn't find anything, but I bought this green, army like hat at Bluenotes. I don't know if it looks good on me. It kinda makes me look like I have a short square head!

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