Tuesday, March 23, 2004

I was about to say

It was starting to feel lonely in here. No one would say anything...You know the superskillz video has been downloaded over 2000 times. I wonder who is and I wonder what they're doing with it. People also still download our really old jokes video. These people must really think we're freaks.

THanks J for those Pics. Our girlfriends are good looking. It makes us look really bad.

Thanks for the hat offer, i'm cool with that. Noya for Soya. Skim milk all the way

You're looking pretty muscular in your web cam pic. You been pumping those keyboards pretty hard. Thanks for the complimentary ticket to the hypnotist show.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Lawrence gave a girl an orgasm just by shaking her left hand. After that, she looked at him like he was God.

Earlier in the night, we were at the door checking IDs. You know that device which verifies driver's licences? One swipe from Lawrence's card sent it into a beeping frenzy and it read "CAUTION" on the device. That swipe rendered the device useless. I knew someone would eventually find out Lawrence was smuggled here illegally by the Taliban.

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