Sunday, March 28, 2004

FW: Ontario Universities

The New and Seriously Updated Ontario University Life
(previous version sucked so I redid it)

Warning: Yes its mean to some univ's but for the most part it tries to be equally mean. Well equally mean to all except York. Cuz i mean c'mon its YORK

Okay, so the summer has ended and school has started. Well, you've
probably gotten together with old friends during the summer, and
you've probably noticed different things about each of them since
they attend different schools. This is what you may have noticed...
Carleton University:
There's a 95% chance you know absolutely no one at Carleton, and if you do, they're probably your brother's best friend's girlfriend's cousin who you don't really care about anyway. I bet all you've ever been told about Carleton is "Don't go there!" Carleton is in Ottawa (you were thinking Hamilton am i right?) and so its campus social life consists of dull keg parties (they exist!) and AA meetings. For them Toronto is intimidating and Quebec exponentially cooler, so they get their jollies by flouting their Ottawness in front of all other Canadians. But being from Carleton ain't all that bad. Sure they'll never wear their Univ sweater in front of Waterloo kids, and yes sadly enough their most famous alumni is nobody's favorite and strangely regarded-as-unsuccessful-though-he-technically-is-succesful-actor/washed-up-comedian Dan Acroyd. But hey Carleton kids get higher GPA's than those who go to actual universitys. What's that mean? That means these bums will get your seats in all the grad schools!

Lakehead University:
Quick fact: 99% of the general populus assumes that Lakehead must be in somewhere called Lakehead. WRONG! It's in Thunder Bay. Go figure. It's new, it's widely advertised on the TTC and its name is the model for meaningless unappealing university names. But hey at least its not York! Lakehead is the college of universities. It shouldn't even be on this list because everyone who goes to Lakehead is really just planning on transferring once they get their ass in gear and pull those marks up. Not much is known of this particular location and so we shall refrain from mocking it too much due to insufficient research. Well that and apathy which btw there is a lot of on campus. However this much shall be said. Lakehead can be a place for new beginnings and strangely enough this is one campus where the people actually get along.

Laurentian University:
Farmers. The whole lot of you! Anyone who claims that Sudbury is the place to be is in need of professional help. If you're not studying the wide world of mining you really should not go here. And i mean REALLY. You people are the definition of small town folk. But i'll bet ya two sheep and a bushel of hay that ya'll are friendly as hell and we all know that people skills account for 45% of moving up that corporate ladder. Or in your case, someday those skills will get Betty Sue to hold on to that shaky wooden ladder for ya when you're trying to keep those dang blasted pigeons from nesting in your barn.

McMaster University:
Located in Dullsville aka Hamilton, you people have absolutely no social life outside of your campus. Your world consists of shades of grey (much like UTSC) yet you have a reputation for being the select few who can mix academic and creative intelligence (much like York - gasp- i've actually said something good about York!). You pretend to be part of Toronto when in reality you weep every night because Torontonians regard you as lesser (and so snub you) while the rest of Canada regards you as Torontonian (and so hates you). Your grad schools have a great reputation and you can hold your heads high in the company of people from all sorts of universities simply because your system is so different that no one can really prove that underlying suspicion that secretly you guys are getting away with having easier courses.

Ryerson University:
If you know someone who goes to Ryerson you've probably heard the phrase "But it IS a real university!" one too many times. Ok Ok we get it. Its a university not a college. Give it a rest already! These people have a knack for complaining. Well who can blame them when one in every three Ryersonites you know is probably some sort of engineer or accountant. Those guys actually do have a reason to b!tch. The rest of you should just admit that in all other respects its still a college! You guys are St. George's little brother. You look up to them and want to be as cool as them but you know you never will be. What you suckers don't know is that your courses actually are on par with those of St. George. Ryerson is the true scammer of all the universities. How so? When you apply to Ryerson your odds of acceptance are pretty damn high. But in second year your drop out rate is phenomenal. Class sizes are usually reduced by more than 60%. This university is smart. They get your money and then boot your ass out of there. You guys get the workload of the 'real' universities but the reputation of a college. Hmm on second thought maybe your whining is actually well deserved venting for the many frustrations caused by your sucky sucky situation.

Queens University:
Snobs. All of you. Nasty nasty snobs! Your snobbishness is solely a result of the fact that you know your school is known on the international scale, you know that people respect the name of Queens and that you must be a pretty good all rounder to have gotten in. Hell even Anne of Green Gables wanted to go here! Lets face it you guys are mostly rich, white kids. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Even if you're not white, your individual style is soon assimilated into the mass market style of gino's/gina's. Right now Von Dutch is big and so are those trucker hats and farmer plaid shirts. You have all them don't you? You do know how to party it up. we must admit and for the most part you guys are ignorant of the fact that the rest of us consider you snobs simply because we're so envious of the fact that you actually get to go to Queens! Oh yeh and once you get out of there the rest of us will STILL not want to talk to you!

Brock university
(The following is the original that was too good to be messed with):
Brock students cannot only walk and talk, they can grow beer guts too. your friend will have seemed to have jacked their level of tolerance, where their metabolism has slowed signifigantly. They talk in "jock lingo" and seem to have contracted several STD's. They will compensate for not having a football team by talking about their sensational rowing team whoo freakin hoo.They may have contracted a third eye also from living in residences bulit on top of a garbage dump.

UofT Erindale:
What the hell? Oh you mean the sauga campus? You have the reputation of prestigious UofT, in a beautiful scenic setting and you get to avoid the crazy commutes of downtowners and the ghetto styles of UTSC. Oh yeh and a lot of you are brown. Power to you! This campus is friendly, academically focused and respected. You guys are the 'nice friend' that no one really wants to pick on yet no one really bothers getting to know too well. You're not too funny or interesting either. You do your thing and thats that. Carry on Sauga peeps carry on.

UofT Scarborough:
It's not a university. It's highschool in disguise. With an emphasis on the crazy and exciting dating scene. (Sorry to rub it in Ryerson but hey things will pick up for you guys eventually). Except maybe uglier. Strange but true fact: The architectural style of UTSC is Brutalist Industrialist. Translation? Its brutally ugly. The garden sculptures look like torture devices, and the school resembles a converted prison. You can tell that U of T gave this place the leftovers of the other campuses. Hell in some spots you guys have cubicles in former closets! UTSC is notorious for its ghetto reputation but is a school that truly has flavour. Its populus is perhaps the single most mu
lticultural campus of them all (although once again lots of brown ppl here too). And for the most part they all get along regardless of ethnicities. This may be the one university where assimilation is virtually unheard of. The down side? Highschool cliquishness thrives here and after a while seeing ENYCE and SEAN JOHN every two seconds starts to wear a little thin.For gods sake ppl your 21 pull up your damn pants! Oh yeh and those cubicles seem to sustain a secret graffiti dialogue culture that really should be studied. What the hell does 'Syndicate' mean anyway?? Stating the obvious: UTSC's secret insecurities arise from the fact that academically they are NOTHING when compared to St. George and they know it!

UofT St.George:
The REAL Uof T (and it IS U of T not UFT) These guys are the definition of annoying smart asses. St. George's reputation for snobbishness rivals that of Queens. Their class sizes have ballooned to the 1000's. At St. George you're not a number, you're a decimal! This may be THE hardest campus of them all and the most respected. Where UTSC bells marks up, St. George consistently bells down. Why? Everyone here emerged from the womb with a straight A report card in hand, a testament to the fact that they were/are/will always be in the '90th percentile' of the general populus. Now these suckers are pitted against eachother in a bloody fight to the finish. Welcome to the real world smart asses, you ain't all perfect and somebody has to get that 60! These guys are miserable (if they're passing), especially if they're the severely isolated and chronically lonely, verging on depression commuters. Commerce is full of Chinese kids who primarily only talk in Mandarin/Cantonese and almost every other field is dominated by white kids. And EVERYONE is seriously over caffeinated. Oh yeh, it's also COMPETITIVE. Friendliness is interpreted as a sly method to get someone's notes/syphon off their intelligence. And that irritating dwntwn chique is alive and well, so don't be surprised to see some non-asian chick in a kimono chatting about the plus side of communism with her friend in a puffy pink formal organza dress (with heels of course). At heart downtowners are embracers of all things and all people, but in order to see that you'll have to get them to slow down and talk to you for two seconds and lets face it, if they want to graduate from St. George they don't have the time to do anything else but study!

University of Guelph:
Is it just me but doesn't guelph sound liek it should be a verb for vomiting? Maybe its just me ... anyway you guys originally planned to be vets but got screwed over when those bastards from Brock and Laurentian got your seats because they had an easier time getting that high GPA. You have great personalities. If you know what I mean. There's nothing to do in guelph so rampant alcoholism is the norm. Guelph is the Bermuda Triangle of universities. Most of you are here for reasons that you can't really explain. None of you REALLY wanted to go here but then again none of you really didn't either. The vast majority of you will graduate into fields you never really wanted to go into to but end up doing jobs that you don't altogether hate. If you had acquired the skills to make a single REAL decision in your lifetime you probably wouldn't be here!

University of Ottawa:
(Original version says it all)
Your friend will stick up for their school where possible but secretly tell you that they only came to Ottawa after they were rejected by their first, second, third and fourth choices. Your
friend will visit Parliament Hill and protest whatever is being protested because 'its fun' and because 'there's nothing better to do'. Weird side trend: They either are French or speak French or plan on becoming/speaking French.

University of Waterloo:
Waterlosers. Being the top school in Canada, Waterloo students are smug and
arrogant believing that they are the best around! Damn you all for being right. Waterloosers have absolutely nothing to do all day but study. Well that and booze it up. The transit system sucks as does the night life. These guys come back to T.O. as often as possible to party it up. Oh yeh and they are even snobbier than Queens and St. George! This campus is ruled by Chinese peeps(in all things business) and by all those kids who you never really thought were THAT smart in school b/c they were so damn quiet. But if you're here for anything other than biomed, engineering and accounting you need to get over yourself! It's not THAT good a school! Trivia: the library was designed by Waterloo students and is currently sinking into the ground b/c they forgot to account for the weight of the books in the library. Way to go Waterlosers way to go!

University of Western Ontario:
It should just be called Western. It's not a university. It's Western. An anomaly. A night club/ resort that somehow got mislabelled as a university. Western doesn't count. Period. More so than the rest. At the other sucky universities you're really going to college. Here you're not even going to college, you're going to a non stop party. Your average intelligence is actually decreasing. Students here carry backpacks full of beer and those booze caps with the long straws attached. But hey there is justice in the world. A degree from Western is worth less than that 2 4 ! Side Note: If you're in business (post undergrad) the above doesn't apply to you at all.

University of Windsor:
Windsor? God I know absolutely nothing about Windsor. It's ok. I guess ... maybe not. Located in the definition of Nowhere's ville Windsor has a reputation for nothing. It may have been bombed to the ground a long time ago and the rest of us would probably never find out for another 6 or 7 years. Oh yeh everyone knows some (distantly usually) that goes to Windsor.

Wilfred Laurier University:
You hate Waterloo with a passion. And they look down on you from on high with grinning contempt. You have a fancy name but no solid reputation to back up that name with. Sorry from this point on the best you guys will ever be is second best. "Your friend will come back depressed because their attempts to mingle with Waterloo students were unsuccessful. They may try to marry a Computer Science or Engineering student from Waterloo because of their infatuation with the school but will return home empty-handed. They may consider suicide as a reasonable option. "

York University:
Saving the best for last. Where do we begin? If you can hold a fork you can go to york. York Shmork. You all know the sayings, you bought the T-shirts. York is the scapegoat for us all. Even Brock probably makes fun of York (although you losers really shouldn't). A significant part of the univ going ppl you know go here. York has a brilliant business program, and is probably THE BEST university for a career in arts. But no one will ever take it seriously. Why? Many reasons. Many many reasons. Firstly York offered every kid at UofT, Waterloo and Mc Master 1000's + a car +human sacrifices in an attempt to sway their decision. And it STILL didn't work! At York every single day is fashion friday. The biggest fixture on campus is not the library, not a cultural center, and no not even the athlethics center. No the biggest fixture at york is the york pseudo mall. Are you ferreal?? It's supposed to be a UNIVERSITY. Shop when you get home! Or at least on the weekend! York's focus isn't on keeping up with academics, its on keeping up with that latest fashion trend. The girls here are gorgeous, the bling blinding and if I see another $1000 Louis Vuitton purse in my face I will SCREAM.York is that kid who always got picked on, by the cumulative group of every single other university in Canada. Face it Yorkers, you guys may be alright but the rest of us bond over picking on your sorry asses. So it ain't gonna stop anytime soon.

Quick Tip:Any insult to one's university can be quickly deflected with the reply "Hey at least I don't go to YORK

" Your friend is trying to switch to a different school. Enough said. " <- Original York


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