Monday, March 8, 2004

longest thursday

This could quickly turn into a long entry. Are you sure you want to read this?


I think this is the longest I haven't posted to my site. I can count the hours I slept since then on two hands. Yikes!

I woke up this morning to my alarm. I looked at it and couldn't understand what it meant. I thought I heard it say, "sleep more than an hour"


// The Passion
If watching this movie does not change your life. I don't know what will.

I've heard about. You've heard about. It's not quite like what you hear. Go watch it.

It was a constant struggle to hold back the tears. I did though. Good thing Dy was there.

// Queen's
  • nuthin chillin at the holidaeee iiin
  • we enjoy being fed when we don't expect it
  • Geoff likes it a lot. He ate more than half a pizza
  • mmm pizza hut
  • Cocomo was the venue in kingston
  • it was full service 5th element mode: DJing and freak show entertainment
  • for some reason, fashion shows are all the same. You have your models who look like they don't want to be there and you have your models who are too serious for this kind of thing. Relax the sphincter.
  • It was awesome seeing all of my old buddies from St. Mike's high school. Everyone seems like their doing well. It's weird how people stay the same after 4 years. Peace out to Old,Little D,Kevin Hooooo,Byron,Safety Man,Oscar,avery, and the one and only TL. TL was one of the funniest dudes in high school. Oh the stories I can tell.
  • Geoff did this crazy backflip off the banister. Damn homey!
  • I shared a bed with Glen. Not a good idea. Glen is notorious for his snoring. For some reason, he wanted to face me and give me full decibels. More decibels than my Mp3 player. I jumped ship and took it to the floor.
  • J-Ro and Andy did a wicked DJing job
  • At breakfast, Glen pretended there was something wrong with is eye. He scratched at it. He scratched at it with a fork and all this white stuff came out. Everyone gasped, but the dumb ass hid the milk packets in his hand and popped it. haha

// Moving forward
OK enough now. I forgot what else I was gonna write.

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