Monday, March 22, 2004

bubble tease

their drinks suck...once I ordered a hot Taro and it tasted like warm watered down milk...and this was right after that fatso waiter with a comb-over wasted 5 minutes of our time explanation how bubble tease is famous in Toronto...blah blah blah...

Charles (old school UWB) works there though and he gave some of us VIP 10% cards, next time you go I'll lend it to you since I barely use it.

As for hats, hey I dug up 2 toques that I never wore, if you want I can give you one of them.

...can't believe you steal milk...I miss milk...haven't drank any in like a month...always forget to buy it and end up drink it's evil cousin...soya...i can feel my bones getting less dense...

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