Thursday, March 11, 2004

long time

As you have probably noticed, I've been busy. Lots of work to do. That's all good. What's interesting is that all of the moments where I've thought of something interesting or solved a huge problem, a Mozart piece was plaing in my MP3 player. hmmm

// ineptitude
I took the bus in waterloo for the second time in my non-illustrious career here at university. I felt like such a niner. You see in Waterloo, there are two slots for bus fare. One for coins, one for cash and fare. Being a TTC disciple I overlooked the second one and tried to put the ticket into the coin slot which looked like it would fit. The bus driver was looking at me for a while as I struggled to grasp this elementary concept. After about 5 seconds of staring, he ended my misery and showed me the way.

/// Rich
For those of you who don't know, Richard (the dude who posted below) was mah boy, other than brent, in all 5 years of high school. We went through nuff together. I appreciate his post. It's sincere and very thoughtful. Thanks man! He will be a Chartered Accountant soon which means he'll be making mad money soon. I asked him to be my accountant. I should ask how far negative he can count though.

// The light
One of my buddies here in waterloo, Mike, says that "the light at the end of the tunnel is often the headlights of an oncoming truck about to smash you". That doesn't sound right. Eh, close enough. Things have been busy for me so I made some recent decisions to change my life a bit. We'll see how they pan out.

Don't ask unless you completely want to know.


Put down that porkchop!! It's friday.

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